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Posted by Dr. Guide on Mar 30, 2012
Crazy Basketball Achievement List

Crazy Basketball Achievement List

Type: Game Center

Achievements: 10

Point Total: 1000

Long Shot
Long Shot
100 Points
Accuracy Shot
Accuracy Shot
100 Points
Last Goal
Last Goal
100 Points
Hit 2 times in a row
Hit 2 times in a row!
100 Points
Hit 4 times in a row
Hit 4 times in a row!
100 Points
Hit 6 times in a row
Hit 6 times in a row!
100 Points
Hit 8 times in a row
Hit 8 times in a row!
100 Points
Hit 10 times in a row
Hit 10 times in a row!
100 Points
First Strike
Hit the first time in the rings
100 Points
Sniper Cup
10+ hits in the ring for 2 minutes, without losing the ball!
100 Points