EA just recently began their 99-cent offer following grand Christmas success. Two other reputable developers, Capcom and Gameloft, have decided to follow suit.
Each company is offering a handful of iPhone and iPad titles for slashed prices. Although EA’s deal is running for a mere 48 hours, Capcom and Gameloft have decided to extend their offer until Valentine’s day – February 14th.
What titles, you ask? Read on for the complete list.
Devil May Cry 4 Refrain
Phoenix Wright
Resident Evil 4 (also for iPad)
Street Fighter IV
Brothers In Arms 2: Global Front
Fishing Kings
Hero of Sparta II
Let’s Golf! 2
Prince of Persia: Warrior Within
Rayman 2: The Great Escape
Real Golf 2011
Shadow Guardian (also for iPad)
Shrek Kart
Spider-Man: Total Mayhem
Star Battalion (also for iPad)
Zombie Infection
Gameloft is also opting to include a unique popularity contest, allowing FaceBook fans to vote for a 14th game that will go on sale for 99 cents.